Camélia&Mimosa nursing clothes - The blog

La SMAM - Semaine mondiale de l'allaitement maternel

SMAM - World Breastfeeding Week

What better way than World Breastfeeding Week to add an article to the Camélia&Mimosa blog? SMAM was created to protect, support and encourage breastfeeding .

SMAM - World Breastfeeding Week

What better way than World Breastfeeding Week to add an article to the Camélia&Mimosa blog? SMAM was created to protect, support and encourage breastfeeding .

Tee-shirt d'allaitement "Cookie"

Breastfeeding, spring 2023, what are we wearing?

Camélia&Mimosa breastfeeding clothes , spring 2023, what do we wear? It's not always easy to be a young breastfeeding mother and to dress trendy to discreetly breastfeed your baby. In...

Breastfeeding, spring 2023, what are we wearing?

Camélia&Mimosa breastfeeding clothes , spring 2023, what do we wear? It's not always easy to be a young breastfeeding mother and to dress trendy to discreetly breastfeed your baby. In...