SMAM - World Breastfeeding Week.
What better way than World Breastfeeding Week to add an article to the Camélia&Mimosa blog?
In France, SMAM is also celebrated in October.
SMAM was created to protect, support and encourage breastfeeding.
It is also for these reasons that we created Camélia&Mimosa, to accompany you during this magnificent life adventure, not to say the most beautiful.
The objectives of the SMAM
Make everyone aware of the benefits of breastfeeding for babies and children.
Encourage the integration of education on breastfeeding and, more generally, nutrition for children.
Encourage the integration of education on breastfeeding and, more generally, nutrition for children.
Work with professional institutions: medical schools, health organizations, schools, hospitals to raise awareness and educate regarding breastfeeding.
As designers and breastfeeding mothers, we also want to promote breastfeeding and be able to offer you clothing suitable for breastfeeding .
Source: COFAM